Thursday, December 24, 2009

Clinic Violence: From Only One Side?

There have sometimes been violence associated with the abortion debate in the United States of America. However, which side commits such violence?

Anti-Abortion Violence?

Those who protest against the legality of therapeutic abortion are often vilified as violent. "Protestors [against abortion] seem to have changed tactics, and engaged in hate letters, harassing phone calls, bomb threats, etc." says (1). Back in April of 2009, the Department of Homeland Security released a document titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" which pointed out specifically those against abortion are possible terrorists and even assumed that "right-wing" people were racist against blacks (2). Even Sherry Colb, who shows an intelligent understanding of the topic, assumes that pro-lifers are almost always the instigators of violence as is shown by her statement: "In hearing about clinic attacks, my initial response is anger and outrage, as I suspect it is for virtually everyone who shares my view [of] abortion..." (3). Organizations that favor legalized therapeutic abortion further spread the thought that pro-lifers are violent in their numerous articles regarding this without ever mentioning any violence from those that support their view; examples of these organizations include the National Abortion Federation, and Planned Parenthood (4, 5).

Pro-Abortion Violence?

The anti-abortion side of the debate has often answered by both refuting much of the claims of violence and/or accusing the other side of just as much or more violence committed. One such example is of Human Life International's website in which they show a "documented more than 8,519 acts of violence and illegal activities by pro-abortionists" (6). Another example of a pro-life organization accusing the other side of violence is of the American Life League (ALL) in their story "Pro-Abortion Violence on Rise After Media Build Up, ALL Reports" (7). My conclusion is that violence is coming from both sides of the debate.

My experience with abortion-related violence has been quite plentiful although I have not protested often. I have only experienced violence from those opposing my pro-life viewpoint. When I protested with fellow protesters near a beach in Southern California there were people cussing in my face as they walked by and others who were throwing things at me as they drove by. When I protested at an abortion clinic in the Inland Empire, CA there were people cussing at me as they stopped at the nearest traffic light. When I had a bumper sticker that read "Abortion is Murder" I had at least one instance a month of people driving next to me and yelling profanities at me and even wishing that I was dead. When I protested at another abortion clinic in Downtown Riverside, CA there was a driver of biomedical-waste who said that he wanted to beat me up.

Most recently, I have been debating the abortion topic with a blogger named OperationCounterStrike. Through this persons profile this individual says that I am a murderer because of what I believe: "ALL right-to-lifers are murderers." (8) Furthermore, this person has called for the death of Phill Kline, Eric Rucker, and a blogger named Rick (8a, 8b). I'm sure that there are other instances of this individual encouraging violence (the same violence this person supposedly condemns).

Violence is from Both Sides?

What is true in reality is that there are numerous examples of those from both sides of the debate committing violence. What is important in this debate? Condemn any form of violence from anyone no matter what is their belief. As an aside, it is also important to condemn the restriction of the right to peaceful free speech and assembly.

Violence in unacceptable. The way to change the hearts and minds in this country is through peaceful protest. This is the way that I have protested. Further, I encourage everyone to know the facts of the abortion debate rather than to be following strictly the emotional aspect! I also encourage everyone to share their views peacefully and fully in as many ways as possible. A national dialog about the facts of abortion is very long overdue. The truth is that the most violent thing that is happening today is the death of innocent unborn children.

(1) Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance ( as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK
(2) Department of Homeland Security, "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," published April 7, 2009. PDF DOWNLOAD
(3) Colb, Sherry, "Abortion Clinic Violence: Is Pro-Life Murder an Oxymoron?" published on January 9, 2008 as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK
(4) National Abortion Federation, "Anti-Abortion Violence" as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK
(5) Planned Parenthood, "Creating Healthy Responses to Hatred and Violence" as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK
(6) Human Life International, Home Page as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK
(7) Walker, Katie, "Pro-Abortion Violence on Rise After Media Build Up, ALL Reports" published on July 2, 2009 as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK
(8) OperationCounterStrike, Profile as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK
(8a) OperationCounterStrike, "Don't investigate him; kill him" published on September 23, 2009 as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK
(8b) OperationCounterStrike, "Euthanise this geezer" published on September 1, 2009 as accessed on December 24, 2009. URL LINK

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