Sunday, April 26, 2009

When did Life Become Expendable?

For many people that see abortion as the killing of a human baby, it may be hard to realize that there have been many other massacres in the history of mankind. We humans are all imperfect; we humans are all sinners. What are we capable of doing?

The Romans around 2,000 years ago persecuted Christians in brutal and disgusting ways (1). Today, over 50,000 people have died in Sudan due to the conflict between Arab militias and and Africans in western Sudan (2). There have been atrocities in the past and there are still atrocities in our current world. Has it always been this way?

Abortion, as a means to end an "unwanted" child's life, has been a part of society for a very long time. Throughout man's history, abortion has sometimes been accepted and, at many other times, shunned. Sometimes there are just people who view abortion as a means to achieve their goal. The following is a quote from an average citizen back in 1930, "for those who cannot be educated, sterilization or legalized abortion seems to be the only remedy, for we certainly do not want such stupid people to pollute the race with stupid offspring. The defective conditions of life call urgently for improvement" (3). Unfortunately, this kind of mindset will always be around in some people.

There will always be those who wish harm to come of others for their own self benefit. Being pro-life is about overcoming those who wish to kill innocent human beings. We must be called to action and let others know that abortion is unacceptable. Human life has been expendable in various times throughout history. We can stop life from being expendable; life can only become expendable if we allow it to be.

1. Manzullo, N. (2000, February 8). The roman persecution of Christians. Retrieved April 26, 2009, from

2. O'Keefe, E., & Marcus, J. (2004, September 9). Crisis in Sudan. Retrieved April 26, 2009, from Washington Post Web site:

3. Norman Haire, letter to the editor, Birth Control Review, (July, 1930) ... as viewed on Wikiquote on April 26, 2009 Web site:

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